Welcome to UEM Kolkata Department of Biotechnology

About the Department

Department of Biotechnology, University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata has framed the departmental syllabus and the curriculum to produce technically skilled engineers to compete with the growing pace. We have 30 sanctioned seats for B Tech in Biotechnology programme. Following AICTE curriculum we give our students opportunity of working in the lab under faculty mentor on the projects. We do have research scholars working under the supervision of the faculty members. Department organizes an international conference, Biospectrum every year to provide students with opportunity to interact with academicians, researchers across the country and beyond. Department also brings out an international journal on quarterly basis.

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    B.Tech, the UG program offered by the department is following AICTE curriculum along with some added courses. Students get opportunities for lot of extra and co-curricular activities. This help them to be better employable by developing problem solving skills, life skills. The highlight of the syllabus is the practical knowledge that the students gain through working in the lab, internships, industrial visits.

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    Research / PhD program

    The Laboratory of the Department of Biotechnology is well equipped with instruments to comply with research requirements. Research in the department is coordinated with faculty members where the students are directly and actively involved in projects and gain their knowledge of research through discussion with their mentors, departmental research seminars and interaction with scientists of national and international reputes is organized by the department on a regular basis. Department has projects and research scholars.

  • Our Vision

    To evolve for global recognition with outcome based teaching-learning and be able to adapt with the advancements in the field of Biotechnology.


    Our Mission

    • M1: To impart quality and value-based education to the students to make them socially responsible future leaders in the field of biotechnology.
    • M2: To inculcate an innovative teaching learning process to produce competent, creative engineers to thrive for excellence.
    • M3: To continuously upgrade the curriculum and infrastructure through periodic feedback from the stakeholders to equip the students with the advancements in biotechnology.
    HOD Biotech
    Prof. Dr. Susmita Mukherjee

    HOD, Department of Biotech, UEM

    Message from HOD

    Department of Biotechnology started its journey from the inception. The undergraduate programme in the department has 30 seats sanctioned by AICTE. The department believes in research-based education and updates the curriculum considering the needs of the industry along with meeting students’ aspiration for higher education. Each faculty member of the department is highly committed and motivated for the self-development as well as development of the students. The faculty members regularly publish in several peer-reviewed journals with high impact factor, like, Springer, Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, American Chemical Society, etc. The department has well-equipped labs and ICT enabled classrooms. To implement outcome-based education, the department boasts continuous upgradation of skill sets of students by arranging regular industrial visits and internship opportunities. Departmental students are exposed to research through hands-on projects, conference presentations, paper publication to name a few. Our students perform well in competitive examinations like GATE, GRE and pursue their higher education in good institutes. The department has received research grants from State and Central Government Funding Agencies such as iSTEM DST, UGC-CSR and has initiated collaboration with research institutes and industries.